well, in these 80's ou 90's, there was still something to read... Today, the doctrine is just "trust the governing body, obey and be blessed". and watch stupid videos...
polish clarinet
JoinedPosts by polish clarinet
Are these books worth anything?
by moomanchu in23 years out and i'm still purging this trash.
i still have 1 box of jw stuff left.. .
polish clarinet
This is the official one...
JW.org video
by scary21 indoes anyone remember the video the jw came out with that showed the mom getting a phone call from her disfellowshipped daughter?
she is tempted to answer but doesn't .
she wants to be faithful to jehovah.
polish clarinet
that video was very important to my definitive decision of leaving the "spiritual paradise", after being PIMO for about 10 years.
by Lost in the fog ini was talking to a friend who is an elder in a congregation near belfast city over in northern ireland.
he was telling me that several of the sisters wanted to put fresh flowers in the hall on a weekly basis just to pretty the place up.
he said "sure, why not, it's a great idea, and the congregation will reimburse the costs as long as they aren't too expensive.
polish clarinet
all that reminds me when singing the "kingdom songs" with a piano or other instrument was strictly forbidden !
kingdom halls
by pepperheart indo you think the watchtower will sell off any more kingdom hall after the 3,000 have been sold of and why do you think that.
polish clarinet
they will become an "on line" cult
Personalized Borg Number-plates!!!!
by Disassociated Lady 2 inlast week i was travelling in the u.k. when a car overtook me.
i noticed its numberplate which read 'jw 04 org'!!.
i couldnt believe it, i wonder how much the borg are charging for these?
polish clarinet
I think God punished you for belonging to an apostate forum
Annual meeting topic
by asp59 inhow many think they will announce in the annual meeting they just gonna have one meeting a week?
if they dont it will be astonishing, amazing and other things..
polish clarinet
i totally agree with you pale.emperor. Empty meetings, empty litterature, empty talks... for empty minds.
the greatest danger is to think by yourself!! fewer danger for the org with stupid videos and brainwashed people.I remember my grand father and other working people of his 40's generation. They had very little instruction but the organisation provided "solid food" for every one. The they felt very different from the catholic religion they were leaving. they also were deep and hard students of the bible.
I really have no regret to have left this sad sad cult...
Is attendance down in your location too?
by StarryNight9 ini was commenting on another thread about how local kh attendance is down.
memorial attendance was also way down and the circuit assembly had hundreds less people than what is typical.
my jw family has even mentioned it.
polish clarinet
from France !
when i was a 'teen, in late 80s, we were 385 publishers in 5 congregations and 4 KHs in my area. 30 years later, 175 publishers are remaining, in 2 congregations sharing the same KH. the average age must be around 55 - 60, or maybe more.
young and educated people have ALL left the borg, Only jobless, retired and disabled people have joined !
I'm out for 2 years but my best PIMO friend and his brother are still in, in 2 different congregations, so I'm still aware of the spectacular increase of the "great crowd"
the saddest? empty minds, nothing to learn, no bible study but only brainwashed people singing "obey and be blessed" and "my joyful life of regular pioneer"
I am happier when i am out
by IamWhatIam infellows.
finally find a place to share experience for jwers.
i am also a ex-jwer and left the ´truth´ on jan. 2018. i live and work in midt jylland in denmark.
polish clarinet
I left 18 months ago. I feel better than ever with my loving not-JW wife. When I met her, about 12 years ago, I was "pre-shunned" as a weak person. Invited nowhere, ignored by "spiritual" members, dispised...
I also knew the pressures to break my relation with her but I never did. And I was quite right!!
the thing they never forgave me ??? I never apologized about the "crime" I committed by marrying an "unbelieving" person. Elders 'n Co expected me to express some regret but it never came. So all this "kind people" became more and more angry and even made some good old friends not to talk to me anymore.
Many openly expressed it was i pity I counldn't be disfellowshipped for marrying my wife. An elder I knew for 30 years told me I was a cancer the congregation had to fight.
So are the kindest people of the world...
Have no regret, friends, because there is nothing to regret !
Do Any JW's Still Use/Trust the Reasoning Book?
by The Fall Guy inunder the heading last days, the introduction promises this:.
"the present wicked system of things, which extends worldwide, entered its last days in 1914, and some of the generation alive then will also be on hand to witness its complete end in the “great tribulation.”.
will the "slave" explain to their followers that such an invaluable "witnessing tool" is no longer to be used, or will they just revise it electronically to reflect "current truth?
polish clarinet
oh! sorry! has it been corrected with all the new light given since the 80's ??